I had the honor of doing the VIP art print for 2019. I hope you were able to get one this past weekend cause the prints came out gorgeous. Thank you to everyone who came out and made it a great con!

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had fun drawing this, it was one of my favorite scenes I wanted to make it dramatic lol

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paprikaSTUDIOS will be at this upcoming weekend from December 6 - 8 in the Artist Alley! We will have our newest artworks plus restocks of our products with new characters available! Be sure to visit and get your chibi-fil!

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Another Print I did for youmacon! I'm thinking of getting a switch lite just for Fire Emblem. I really loved awakening but it's a lot of money just for a single game. What do you think? Is it worth it?⁠

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imagine que você é uma asiática tetraplégica cega surda muda analfabeta bissexual burra bolsominion nazista filha da puta otome kpopeira maconheira viciada em pó ateia motorista que tropeça no chão cai igual bosta e aí olha pra cima e ve isso

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Hj recebi esses prints perguntando se isso era verdade. É full fake e o maluco tá so querendo farmar skin as custas dos outros. Nao sei que maconha estragada esse cara anda fumando pra ta falando bosta por aí usando meu nome. Assim que descobrir o nick do infeliz coloco aqui

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Finally got around to watching Bungou Stray Dogs only to find out Chuuya doesn't come in until episode 10 🙃. This was another print that I did for youmacon! There's still a couple more that I did for the con. ⁠

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Here's another print that I did for youmacon! I watched a couple episodes of Given and I really liked Ritsuka! It was nice to see an anime from the POV of the seme.

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fiz um brownie de maconha e meti um sorvete PETIT CHAPÔ fodase kkkkkkkkkkk

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Did this print back for It was so fun to do! I haven't played the game all the way through (because I know what happens) but I read a lot of promptis fanfics! They are really good!

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shout out to the absolutely wasted Leon at youmacon trying to be cool in a tight rpd shirt but mostly being drunk
(thank you to for the anecdote!!)

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For I made a print! I haven't watched the show because of personal reasons, but they do look cute! Kinda like Yuri on Ice from the 90's! Have you seen it? Is it cute? o.o⁠

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Made this print for I've never seen No.6 mostly because I've heard the ending is bad. Is this true? .-.⁠

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Ended up only going to Youmacon yesterday so today could be spent relaxing. We didn't do much but it was nice to walk around the con and catch up with friends! I'll be more exciting at DaishoCon since we have a lot planned, but it was nice to have a lowkey con day for a change~

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Hey all! Youmacon is going slow so far so I’ll be working on some art commissions at my table.

If you’re interested send me a DM!

For kigus;
Face only- $50
Kigu reference - $50
Kigu reference with face- $100

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Catch me at Youmacon Artist Alley table G32, close to the entrance!!

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It's day one of Youmacon and probably should share my cosplay lineup for the weekend! This weekend is going to be a special one. https://t.co/rV3TlGvXv6

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