画質 高画質

9 too many to fit on a twitter post, but scenes with characters succumbing to sickness or parental death are hard for me to handle. .last one is a convo with this guy in disco Elysium. also pretend the DeS screenshot is the ps3 version

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may I introduce you to All Star Battle on the PS3?

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脳内に神曲Lunar Eclipseが流れてきたのでエイリアンクラッシュ配信でやりたいが、PS3で配信するんって無駄に機材要るってのがなぁ。あれダラダラやりつつトークが一つの理想なんやけどな

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Voy a resubir a Alister porque me gusta mucho como me quedó.

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⚔️ Daily Siegfried

From Soulcalibur IV (PS3, Xbox 360).
"The end is near, I can feel it!"

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10年ぶりくらいに「Dragon Age: Origins」が遊びたくなって、steam版買って日本語化MOD入れて遊んでたんだけど、翻訳されてない部分のほうが多い気がしてモヤモヤしてPS3本体とソフト(PS3は日本語版)買い戻そうかなって思うくらいに面白い。ゲームオブスローンズとか好きな人は好きそう。

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early to mid era ps3 games my beloved

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this gamer straight from the ps3

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Ellen from Folklore (PS3). Sucks that I can't get a physical copy of it as far as I know

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🔶im feeling so much better tho! (physically at least), i might take whats left of the week to work on things silently and then come back

🔸also, :,3 anyone knows where to get another secondhand ps3 here?

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「うたわれるもの 偽りの仮面」(PS3)をやります。

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⚔️ Daily Siegfried

From Soulcalibur IV (PS3/Xbox 360)
First picture of Siegfried of 2022.

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8月は11周年記念を含めて絵チャを2回開催し、クラスタ間の交流にも新たな道が拓かれる この夏🎉は3DSのどうぶつの森でハンサムな村作成に力を入れた 夏のRiJに触発され、PS3で買えるときメモ及びGSを買ってハンサム元ネタ探しの旅に出たのもこの月 育成咲夜も350周↑に

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I wish I could play Adventure 1 and 2 growing up. I played them on PS3 when you could purchase it and I fell in love with them. I didn't have a dreamcast nor a gamecube. Seeing this image had me so hyped! Look how cool it is!

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Bom dia,tudo bem?
Hoje estou na Mr Games Pira para última live do ano! Com o "MELHOR" jogo de sua Geração!
Duke Nukem Forever direto do PS3!

Será que ele é tão ruim como dizem por aí?

Vamos lá?

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Piratearon mi ps3 y ahora puedo jugar de todo, tantos juegos hay para elegir que ni se cual descargar. ¿Tienen alguno que recomienden? ahora puedo jugar TODO.

Me siento, sobre el cielo.

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also still gonna main her because she is absolutely fun to play as, and she was my main back when p4u was on the ps3

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