Then also tried Karin, i guess were all at peace then...

145 492

Classic Misako anyone? I tried really hard to stick to the small number of colors, I like this style.

7 37

Kyoko from River City Girls ⚾️💥
Part 2 finished! Gonna work on putting the duo together soon

11 31

Winners from my Patreooon poll! I love this game so much I already finished it 3 times already aaa 💗

53 237

Man what an awesome game! Thanks and . hopefully there's a sequel (or DLC's) 😆😍

184 710

and now the two of them together!

5 19

misako could deck me in the face and i would still say thank you.

24 167

Misako from River City Girls ✊💥
Part 1 of 2. Not done yet!

21 66

Have they already played ? , is so cool!!! <3

13 48

カタコトの"Arigatou"が So cuteです

14 29

's new River City Girls game is the beat em up I have been looking for. Can't decide which character I like more so here is both of em rearing to kick some @$$ and chew bubble gum, and I think there is plenty of both.

7 19

そういや一回貼り付けて消したんだったな ちゃんとクリアしたしこれでいいだろ

14 37