Reno Jackson is the Hero unlocked with Chapter 1 of Tombs of Terror. If you want to learn more about him (Hero Overview, Hero Powers, Signature Treasures, Starter Decks), check out our guide here:

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We've rounded up a bunch of high Legend Standard decks from Week 6 of Saviors of Uldum - both meta and off-meta choices! If you're looking for a deck to climb the ladder with, you should definitely check them out:

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Current meta has some of the most expensive decks in the history, but it doesn't mean that the expansion is completely unfriendly to F2P players. takes a look at the best budget Neutral cards from Saviors of Uldum:

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We've just updated our guide detailing Hearthstone Legendaries you can "safely" disenchant. Please read the entire introduction before commenting and especially before dusting your cards. Check it out here:

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Reminder - we'll get a new Legendary Quest (rewarding 2x Saviors of Uldum packs) with today's Tavern Brawl, so be sure to keep one Quest slot open! If you don't, it will replace one of your current, regular quests.

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In his first article, talks about some of his personal highs and lows of the Uldum meta so far. Do you agree with him? What cards/strategies would you like to be gone? Check it out here:

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Blizzard gave me a Tombs of Terror Deluxe Adventure Bundle to give away!!

The bundle includes:
-4 Wings + Finale
-1 Random Saviors of Uldum Legendary
-1 Card Back.

To join:
🐿️Follow and RT 🐿️

I'll draw the winner September 15.

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Les sorties eShop de la semaine (Astral Chain, Risk of Rain 2, Heave Ho, Root Letter : Last Answer, The Ninja Saviors : Return of the Warriors, Bulletstorm : Duke of Switch Edition, FUZE4 Nintendo Switch, Obakeidoro!...)

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Instead of Ninja Saviors I get a hurricane. Oh well, hopefully Europeans are enjoying it.

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Also today, The Ninja Saviors: Return of the Warriors, released in Japan as The Ninja Warriors Once Again.

As an android ninja, you must fight your way to the hideout of the evil dictator, Banglar, and assassinate him.



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ゲームの名前はTower of Saviors

そして、Tower of Saviors公式からの仕事要請が来ました!
Tower of Saviorsにすごく感謝しています✨

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Saviors of Uldum nerf patch should be out in roughly ~4 hours. After it's live and players start testing new decks (or old decks, for that matter), we'll compile them in this post:

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We've rounded up a bunch of high Legend Standard decks from Week 3 of Saviors of Uldum - both meta and off-meta choices! If you're looking for a deck to climb the ladder with, you should definitely check them out:

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Want to compare your thoughts about the upcoming Saviors of Uldum nerfs with ours? did a quick analysis of their impact, trying to answer the most important question - will those cards still be playable? Check it out here:

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Explorer Bundle is now available! Get 20 Packs in total (5 of each from Witchwood, Boomsday, Rastakhan and Shadows) + a random Saviors of Uldum Legendary for $19.99. Sadly no Uldum packs, but it's still a solid deal. Learn more here:

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Reno is back, and he already made a huge impact on the Saviors of Uldum meta. Highlander Mage is one of the most common and strongest decks in the game right now. Check out our guide (mulligan, strategy, card replacements) by :

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New expansion always means a new Arena season! The current rotation includes Saviors of Uldum alongside some older, high power sets. If you want to improve your win rate in the current season, check out those handy tips from :

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I've played casually for a long time now, but this is my first time ever hitting Rank 5! I've really been enjoying Saviors of Uldum! Can a Yu-Gi-Oh! player hit Legend? Maybe...

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