“The hours spent wondering, whither go I?

North, South, East or West; jailed within these walls…

I’m weak, then strong, can hear the angels’ calls

Perhaps the stairs to heaven, I shall climb

Tho’ hell is close, hope’s flames flicker, life-time”

J.Sobey© Sonnet 226

42 44

🐴Lovey, Savanna, Hope and Sonnet. 🏇🤠
These four beauties are off to Minnesota.


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When to the sessions of sweet silent thought
I summon up remembrance of things past,
I sigh the lack of many a thing I sought,
And with old woes new wail my dear time’s waste.
Sonnet 30

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Gainsborough | His portraits of women are sonnets in Oil

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commission done for Sonnet on https://t.co/CZDJcdtorD!

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"Nature's Sonnet" - abstract landscape painting available at https://t.co/oZV9FRraef Give original, affordable for Christmas!

11 13

The Beast Within-

‘How long before my strength gives into you?
Until a silent pause lets you enter
Between the heart’s raging beats,now askew

Awakens body,becomes a venter
Of paradigms of pleasure,love’s dark art
The beast inside,the slayer of one’s heart’

Sonnet121: J.Sobey©

82 58

"The teeming autumn, big with rich increase, bearing the wanton burden of the prime...” Sonnet 97.

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Vitraux de songes - iPaginastore - iPagination Editions https://t.co/fuy2iJDoLx De la maîtrise du sonnet...

Un clair-obscur très attendu.

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I'll also have zipper bags, mini prints, pins, and copies of Sonnet (which is finally back in print) ✨✨✨

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Petit escargot
Porte sur son dos
Sa maisonnetteuh…

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The Sonnet, acrylic on canvas 60x80cm Thanks to everyone for continuing support & inspiration x

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霧とリボン企画展 シェイクスピア没後400年記念《英国文学十四行詩集vol.2》

「窓」 2016 水彩/紙 185×225mm(「Shakespeare’s sonnets」より)

8 26

1950' – C'est ici que travaille Hergé • Hergé works here
Bouton de sonnette des Studios Hergé : « BONJOUR ! SONNEZ ICI. ».

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『薔薇戦争-Sonnet of Seeds-』サイトを更新いたしました。
ギャラリーページにランカスター派の勝利のため、王妃に策を献上するペンブルック伯(ジャスパー・テューダー)のイベントCGを追加いたしました。 https://t.co/dYrDUzn3rW

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it's Late but i've been thinking about this ALL DAY so i had to at least. doodle.. the domestic.. raffles is reading shakespeares sonnets

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