How does water work? Where are whale's eyes? I have so many questions after this study

0 29

Started a couple of minutes late, and felt like a scramble, but I actually love it lol

1 29

totally different colors from the photo, but fun to play around.

0 25

Trying to come up with a method to do gestures with some hints of forms, clearly is not really working too good atm

0 30

Trying a different technique, 1hr study

0 25

Part two. This one felt v good

0 22

only had 25-30 minutes today but managed to contribute to

0 47

Slightly delayed , 1 hour red panda study

0 11

First study of the night with my

Still time to join in on the next one!

13 205

thank you so much for taggin :))
i don't have anything new to share right now, so here are some recent studybuddies :>
I'm tagging the amazing and 🥰

0 3

I don't have time to finish this one today, but It has been funny as hell.

2 36

Hyper focused on masking the rocks & ran out of time :/

0 20

i had so much fun with the last i did the whole thing :) thank you for doing these! amazing reference by 🥰

4 44

I came late to the stream today and wasn't super happy with the result, so this afternoon I put an extra 40 minutes or so into it (just over an hour total). Much more pleased now! :D

3 28