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【ハッピーホワイトデー! ♥️】
It's probably a bit late for White Day in Japan, but it's still early in America, so here you go! (It's also my birthday, so...ya know...liking this would really help brighten my day, haha.)
#殤不患 #サンファン #ThunderboltFantasy
【喫煙休憩 - Smoke Break 😏】
I wanted to try drawing 執事凜, as portrayed in the new official art that came out this week. He is kind of being terrible at his job, though. Find another time to smoke, man! 😁
#凜雪鴉 #サンファン #ThunderboltFantasy
【悪魔の鳥の最初の飛行 😇】
Inspired by an F/Z picture I saw. I like thinking that (demon) bird-watching is one of the few nice, pure activities that 天骸 and 凋命 do for fun in the hellish landscape that is their home. Let them live!
#蔑天骸 #凋命 #サンファン #ThunderboltFantasy
【新年快樂! 🐕】
Happy Chinese New Year! This features 無生 demanding the red money envelope from you because he can be kind of he needs drinking money, somehow. 😁
#殺無生 #サンファン #ThunderboltFantasy
【ハッピーバレンタインデー! ♥️】
Happy Valentine's Day! I wanted to try to draw an unusual pairing for this day, so this happened. Everyone in this show seems to stalk and obsess over 不患--啸狂狷 is no exception. 😁
#殤不患 #啸狂狷 #まんまる凜 #サンファン #ThunderboltFantasy