🍷🍾Now Live ~ Bring your beverage🍷🍾

🌛Wine Wednesday ~ Chatting & Playing Rocksmith🌜

🎸Song Requests OPEN ~ !sr Band Name - Song Title🎸

🦈❤️We have SHARKS❤️🦈

🍷🍾It's Wine & Whine Time🍷🍾

Thank you for the emotes ~

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tHe FiGhT hApPeNeD 35 yEaRs AgO iTs NoT tEcHnIcAlLy LiVe AcCoRdInG tO tHe InTeRnAtIoNaL LaWs Of LiVe EnTeRtAiNmEnT sEt FoRtH bY tHe InAuGuRaL mEeTinG oF LiVe EnTeRtAiNmEnT pUrVeYoR eXpErTs WhO sTuDy ThE pAsSiNg Of TiMe AnD iTs EfFeCtS oN sPoRtS fAnS wHo WhInE aBoUt TeChNiCaLiTiEs

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Heyo, not to start drama but I don't wanna be associated with this guy @/SolarFlareOwO !! Dude whines and begs for money and plays it off as a joke and gets stuff mostly outa pitty! So yeah if you see the reff I designed for him around, I made it out of pitty ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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//Yes I know all the pics are lewd so don't whine.

More on Page 4.

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day 6 “you better have your flu shot” — wherein atsumu needlessly whines after getting convinced to take his annual vaccine (but kiyoomi still takes care of him anyway)

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Farmacología humorística para la
hypernarcissistopreen y fullofcrapoquine por y hoaxycureallwhine por

➕lenguaje del

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Makes a shushing gesture towards Estinien, then ambushes Alphinaud with snowballs for being a whiner.

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ngl as much as GT trunk was kind of a whiney bitch, he was kinda nicer design-wise? Him having blue hair like his mom does makes more sense but purple hair is such a classic/nostalgic thing that it changing is a hella big thing for me. I don't mind him not being as ripped tho u_u

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HEROES RISING SPOILERS (don’t bitch and whine to me because there is a spoiler tag here)

Why is every One For All user sexy as fuck?

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shes a soft bunny that gets along well with girls ✨🌸 rosemary will beg and whine and is dying for a goodtime! please hunt her down like the prey she is and eat her up!!

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hey im casey, an enby artist who just remade. I draw strong girls and sometimes i do 3d modeling but mostly i whine, sorry. Follow me please ily

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Whine whine
The reason i'm so down is because i'm stuck working. I worked 11 days, got only 1 freakin' day off and now it's another 12 (i finished 9th day ugh), so the cranks are up.

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Lachlan: Oh.... I’m... sorry... *panting between words* I didn’t mean... to make you... *whine* ...angry...

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President Man baby Whines A Lot.

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Don't wanna whine about my fresh awesome tooth problem
Don't want to talk about corona
Nor about financial crisises
Wanna say that I have dark chocolate & Borda3
And you(if you're still reading this)
Stay safe. Take care. Be kind. Create
Peace out🖤

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In conclusion, I am a very privileged individual to be able to whine about these minute things. However, I reserve my right to get mad about my favourite game getting weak representation in the biggest gaming crossover ever (besides the Great Bay stage itself, that's great).

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Whomp, whomp, whomp!
Heavens to Betsy, you CONs are such whiners! 😋

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🦑The boundless daemon-sultan Azathoth, whose name no lips dare speak aloud, and who gnaws hungrily in inconceivable, unlighted chambers beyond time amidst the muffled, maddening beating of vile drums & the thin, monotonous whine of accursed flutes🎨alexandr kumpan🦑#Lovecraftian

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