Scanned this and a few other pieces, and so here is a late night post of art.

Sarem in her Zeon pilot suit, based on the look of the legendary Black Tri-Star

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Heyo I'm Zeon, do my best to spread good vibes and have a good time. This is my 18+ only account but here is my sfw only account here is some of my art~

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Hello I'm Zeon vibe. I do my best to spread good vibes and have a good time. I am a LGBT+ artist and a PoC artist. I try to overcome the saga that is my brain in a healthy way. And wish to help others do the same with my art. Hope I can make ya smile

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Heyo I'm Zeon vibe~ Do my best to spread good vibes and have a good time. This is my main account but I post both mature and sfw content on this one. If you want completely sfw follow <3
I am begining to focus on shapes instead of anatomy and it's a blast!!

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Hello I'm Zeon~ do my best to spread good vibes and have a good time~ here is some of my art and my raffle~
And my ko-fi

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Imma f I t e.
I guess if you want to draw me that's fine reee i need to learn to accept gifts. A h. Okay here be some Zeon refs

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Thank you for the art share <3 I'm Zeon Vibe. I do my best to spread good vibes and have a good time. This is my sfw account but I'm bout to be posting some loods on I'll share here.

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I'll start <3 I'm Zeon Vibe. I'll do my best to spread good vibes and have a good time.
I know it's scary and everything seems like its falling apart but it will be okay. We just have to work together and keep fighting for each other and good change.

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Hello <3 I’m Zeon vibe. I do my best to spread good. Vibes and have a good time. Here is some of my art <3

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💙アヲ    Open〜last
🔰さくり   22時30分〜last

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Hello! I'm Zeon vibe <3 I do my best to spread good vibes and have a good time :> Here is some of my art <3

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I'll start off~
I'm Zeon vibe. Do my best to spread good vibes and have a good time. Nice to meet you all I wanna make friends.

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Making a new gift oc style and semi mobile suit fashion
mostly will use zeon parts, but might put fed stuff on

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Heyo I'm Zeon Vibe. I do my best to spread good vibes and have a good time. <: I love drawing and trying new things.

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Yo ! I'm Zeon Vibe.
I always try to push myself and become better. Working toward helping others and living off my art. While becoming a better person.
I dream to have a business of my own and be able to help make as many as I can smile and feel inspired.

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Today's anime is Bernie Wiseman from Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket. This Zeon soldier is in over his head, what with all the lying & sneaking around. But there's something about those eyes that make you trust him.

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Doing some Shading tests~ Happy with this little experiment. Going to watch a few more tutorials but hek yeah I'm happy with this~ And yes Zeon is actually a dinosaur evolved to look like a wolf shark.

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Hey I'm Zeon Vibe. I do my best to spread good vibes and have a good time~ Constructive feedback on how to improve is always appreciated~ I wish to do charity and live off my art, while helping someone smile~
Black | Trans | and Vibin'~

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