画質 高画質

imagining jeralt playing wii music for baby byleth...!!crying...

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39 198

I unfortunately don't have a lot of pics of some of the stuff I'd love to show from the mid 2010s.
But here's the timeframe after high school in 2014 and before Fallout in 2016. Some were made from the art program that I got on the Wii U.

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友達と久しぶりにWiiをやって唐突に描きたくなってしまった( ´-ω- )

2 12


17 43

11th entry is "Rodea" from "Rodea: The Sky Soldier". (Wii) // Fun stage-based action game from the creator of Sonic. I still need to finish it!

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Sad that it never picked up a huge audience, the story is intriguing and the gameplay integration made it even better.
Now that the developer is bankrupt :/ who knows if we'll ever get resolution after the Wii game

12 93

Wii, hice esto probando el Ibis uwu
So de paso ya tengo una referencia de Saiko yuy
Recalco, es muy dificil dibujar con el dedo x'd

7 26

spegne oggi dieci candeline dal primo rilascio in Giappone su Nintendo Wii. L'anno seguente, nel 2010, il titolo arriva su Playstation 3 con il nome di Tales of Graces F e presenta un capitolo aggiuntivo, Lineage and Legacies.

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Tales of Graces released for the first time on this day a decade ago, in 2009. This Wii exclusive would later be ported to PlayStation 3, adding additional modes and story.

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Wii Fit Trainer: "Let's get a good stretch!"

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13 71

Me on my way to the video game store to pick up my copy if rayman raving rabbids for the Nintendo Wii

1 10

7: Nintendo Land

The Wii U...

that sure was a launch, was it

anyways 1v1 me on octopus dance

4 15

Wii Fit Trainer after being offstage for 0.000000002 seconds

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Why do people in Blanc’s nation place their Wii console lower than most people?

To represent their Nation, Low-Wii~!

8 58

12月1日は NoMore、映画泥棒。
12月2日は の日向夏美ちゃんの誕生日!

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