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Nothing’s going too far. Whenever I get to the point where I think things are going too far, I know I have to go there.

23 36

Your quest will be pretty dull if your only guide is a handbook.

21 41

No tears in the writer, no tears in the reader. No surprise in the writer, no surprise in the reader.

33 55

Literature is a process of producing beautiful lies that tell more truth than any facts
Julian Barnes

Luminescent Dream -Antoshines

32 66

".. my world this ghastly hour, with all that was left in me, dark and greedy."


2 3

When I look at my and its secret colours, I feel like bursting into tears.

24 49

If you don't nothing ever happens at all.
— John Green

Pochi Chan

70 141

There is no beauty without some strangeness
Edgar Allan Poe

Timothy Martin

61 97

“The most authentic endings are the ones which are already revolving towards another beginning.” —Sam Shepard

51 104

Whatever makes you weird is probably your greatest asset.
via https://t.co/b0ksIrUm22

30 46

Whatever makes you weird is probably your greatest asset.

90 142

You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.
~Mark Twain

Marcin Kolpanowicz

73 109

In spirit and imagination 'we find ourselves set free, timeless and eternal'.

122 189

Don’t write it right, just write it—& then make it right later

Kinga Britschgi

34 53

Nothing to do with my I just really wanted to draw a Djinn.

0 0