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Illus. for "Because I Could Not Stop My Bike", illus.d by me and publ.d by Charlesbridge. Water color, gouache, 2003.

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Painting in progress ... cherokee roses, bike and all and all ;)

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Cover for "Because I Could Not Stop My Bike", illus.d by me, published by Charlesbridge. Water color, gouache, 2002.

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"Because I Couldn't Stop My Bike", by K. Shapiro, illus.d by me, publ.d by Charlesbridge. Water color, gouache, 2004.

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Speedway Bike Illustration - Stu Stretton Designs

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Saw this guy on the way home. Old man, dirt bike, long mustache, maybe not actually doing a wheelie.

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Ash riding his bike. Win.

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Yesterdays bike-mech-thingie :)

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goes a bit Scooby Doo in this week's Money section... the securest ways to park your bike at home

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Bike Baron now supports high-resolution graphics on the new iPad!

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Using my latest painting as a Boris Bike promotional poster OR potentially

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Minigore Episode 6 with a new guest star Bike Baron has been submitted!

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