画質 高画質


7/6(月) 巣鴨 獅子王
【A paraticle of lights】

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Let's get international shall we! With the independence of the Democratic Peoples Republic of the Congo!

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- that's a democratic form of voting, duh.

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Putting on a clown's nose & jumping up & down erratically didn't make Stan the Werewolve a

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praticing a bit with Medli and Tingle (2x)

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chuva aqui hora de desenhar...praticando corpo

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1 hour color pratice blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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Quadratic Sky. Oil, graphite and charcoal on canvas. 120 x 120. 2015

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pratice...... color....... thing

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March 3rd 1939: , begins fasting to protest autocratic rule in

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Classical, idiosyncratic and quintessentially British - our wallpaper http://t.co/mi22f9STSy

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Refiz minha antiga tentativa de Flat no Illustrator. Ficou praticamente a mesma coisa, mas okl.

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