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Watching the Hobbit made me remember how much I loved Tolkien..

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"The Last Shore" by Tim Kirk, featured in Silver Leaves issue http://t.co/I7ZagAnEaZ

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Original drawing of Rivendell by JRR Tolkien! looks like Bcharre in Lebanon.

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'The Riddle Game' by Tim Kirk, featured in Silver Leaves issue ('Tolkien Art and Artists')

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'Many paths to tread...' by Jef Murray, for

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'The Bridge of Khazad-dûm' by Jef Murray

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Feel like Treebeard after a good breathe...#TolkienThursday

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'The House of Tom Bombadil' by Jef Murray

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Some Saturday afternoon silliness: Thranduil by (http://t.co/tpDHMB8S)

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"Night seemed to have taken refuge under its great trees, creeping away from the coming Dawn." Illustration by Tolkien

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Halls of Manwë, Illustration by J.R.R. Tolkien

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