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Cadence is the cutest princess ever! ^_^

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Wind Waker Cadence is best Cadence! ^_^

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Good morning everypony as promised from yesterday, today will be pictures of Princess Cadence. Enjoy ^_^

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Alright everypony tomorrow will be Princess Cadence, but today will be pictures of Fluttershy. Enjoy ^_^

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So i re-did my Silly Filly Cadence drawing on the Colors app for the vita. Drawing Tablet would be far better.

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Next up a drawing with colors of the Princess of Love Cadence

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Next is the final one for tonight Princess Cadence drawing now with color

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¡LOLAZO! Cadence se cayo en pleno concierto privado x'DD

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Nuestro enemigo no esta aquí, ataca cadena!

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Me dan pena los caballeros que me subestiman.. La cadena los hará arrepentirse!

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La diosa Athena es protegida por mis cadenas..

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Ataca cadena de Andromedaaa...

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Up next is a drawing of Princess Cadence to say I really like the drawing

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The girly-est drawing I'll probably ever do ever! :P

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