Aquarius in 18thC copy of al-Sufi's Catalog of the Fixed Stars, from either Egypt or Turkey; at

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ECF authors' innovative research into some of the classics: Defoe, Richardson, Austen, it-narratives

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Circa 1755 ~ One of the lovely 18thC enamel labels up for sale on 25th April

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1823 workmen started to pull down Newgate Gaol - here's how it looked in the late

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What genteel appendages do: "Richardson’s Hands," by James Robert Wood

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"Baroque during the Enlightenment,18thc. Masterpieces in Paris Churches,

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Avec un plat de laitue chartreuse et des faisceaux d'asperges roses? 🇬🇧

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Satire &Embodiment: Allegorical Romance on Stage &Page, by Ros Ballaster

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A lovely engraving of in the late - showing coal being transported to keel boats waiting on the

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Mourning the “Dignity of the Siddonian Form,” on Sarah Siddons, by LIsa A. Freeman

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We have a delightful sketch by Thomas Rowlandson of a horse-drawn cannon. Late 18thC. Pen & ink & watercolour.

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Comparison: Catesby's Bullfrog & flower (London 1743) and Sotzmann's Bullfrog (Berlin 1783). Not unusual to see copied work in 18thC

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