№495つたーじゃ №496じゃのびー 前作のアナログ+デジタル背景はやめて、アナログはアナログで完成させ、線画だけスキャンしてデジタルはデジタルで完成させる。そして、アンケートをつなげる方式をとりたいと思います。よければポチっとお願いします  

1 7


11 69

This is amazing - a complete 'family tree' of all European butterflies: "this paper presents the first time-calibrated phylogeny of all 496 extant butterfly species in Europe".

4 14

단둘만의 세례의식처럼ㅎ

403 973

True Magic, the Comic! Page 496:
(What happened to your characteristic sense of optimism, Joe?)

2 1

[성현제/496화 약스포] 그 남자

낙서고 뭐고 미칠 것 같아서 일단 올리는데 아니 저 심장 터질 것 같은데 이거 정상인가요???????????????????????

77 135

O dólar caiu para R$4,96 😛

- Servine

57 697

The 1st time-calibrated phylogeny of all 496 extant species in Europe, incl. 18 localised endemics with no public DNA sequences previously available.

🔓Data paper: https://t.co/gmTY4btAHM

112 253

충격적이었던 496화 한유진 착장... 좀 날조함

41 117

496화 유진이🖤

42 78

496 - Servine
Type: Grass

They avoid attacks by sinking into the shadows of thick foliage. They retaliate with masterful whipping techniques.

1 1

1位(RT208/Fav496):https://t.co/rUGA9JeRwr (odawarahakone)
2位(RT204/Fav496):https://t.co/V7mQjBVS8G (nigobox)
3位(RT160/Fav439):https://t.co/FzvCJ2pjaQ (sojang5th)
4位(RT148/Fav339):https://t.co/KngAs3yqU0 (777kurage1)

3 3

5位(RT175/Fav518):https://t.co/sj0uS8SwPG (habanero_mgmg)
6位(RT166/Fav496):https://t.co/x1Ju70d4Jr (aki0107_inica)
7位(RT126/Fav395):https://t.co/MOSm1iZt7a (sojang5th)
8位(RT118/Fav319):https://t.co/ANc24wfZJ8 (hizaka12)

0 0

だって紗夜の妹だもの ひかり


2 22