[251118] I recently found my first design of Anti, god my emo kid has changed…
[the green-haired one is from 2016 and the brown-haired one is from 2018]

Do not use without permission

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Rob y Santi, los dos niños perfectos. + extra de yo aburrida.

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:O y esto se puede comprar o que?? 😅 echale si puedes un vistazo a lo que hace Isabella Mazzanti, no es exactamente ese estilo pero es una pasada https://t.co/lIPFERVpd5

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I really love this outfit on Anti, plus dat pose doe~

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Abbiamo tutti le nostre macchine del tempo. Alcune ci riportano indietro, e si chiamano ricordi. Alcune ci portano avanti, e si chiamano sogni.
(Jeremy Irons)


Memories, - George Henry Boughton

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"Santa Plautilla"
Another character from my book "Historia: di magi e briganti, vigliacchi ed eroi".

To see more:

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Wahai Rasulullah,
sesungguhnya kami amat mencintaimu,
dan kami amat mencintai sunnah-sunnahmu.

Maafkan kelemahan kami dalam menyampaikan risalah agama ini...
Di padang Mahsyar nanti, akui dan terimalah kami sebagai umatmu...

Sekian coretan.
Salam Maulidur Rasul

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Inspired by the POP/STARS music video by K/DA.
With Schneeplestein, Anti, Marvin and Chase :)

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After seeing draw my girl version of Anti, I thought it would be fun to draw her again! :P

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Toinen nettisarjikseni on The Witch Door, joka on vielä suhteellisen tuore. Kertoo Katariinasta ja hänen mystisestä naapurista Jousiasta, jonka kämpästä löytyvän noitaoven kautta voi kulkea mitä jännempiin paikkoihin. Kieli englanti, K15

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Aloitan kertomalla omista nettisarjiksistani: ensimmäinen on Transfusions, pimeään pohjoiseen sijoittuva rakkaustarina mediaopiskelija Dylanista ja nuoresta vampyyri Joasta. Kieli englanti, sisältää jonkin verran petipuuhia joten K18.

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hi I'm Ashanti, an Afro-Mexican cartoonist & illustrator with a love for kind stories and fantastical settings. I make many comics, incl a space fantasy webcomic called Galanthus.

🎨 https://t.co/e1hIWEDsE6
🌌 https://t.co/yrg9nYlZim
🎆 https://t.co/tG9s5qo2J3

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Lo spettacolo della pittura di Rubens e quello delle composizioni di Händel, due giganti, artisti discutibili e ricchi imprenditori che seppero cogliere flessibilmente e perfettamente le aspettative del pubblico dell'epoca.

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Karya: Naw Labqi

Walau sesukar manapun.
Walau sepayah manapun,
Walau terpaksa meredah pelbagai rintangan,
Bersabarlah, dan terus berusaha,
Semoga kejayaan menjadi milik kita
Suatu hari nanti,

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And now we’re supposed to go back to our normal lives. That’s what people do. They have these amazing experiences with another person, and then they just go home and clean the bathroom or whatever. —Susane Colasanti, When It Happens

artwork by

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Also considering selling Dulse as an artistic freedom suit. Partial, planti, or digi. Feral handpaws, digi feet. using a rare teal fur!!

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. and were all born at 3:43 PM on July 26th in the same hospital... in Tourisanti, Brazil, Circa 2004 AD

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