And so the adoring torment and amazing excitement of school projects begin... Ooiiii

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Just gotta remind myself to look at life from the bright side ya know? goin well and so are .artschool here I come!

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Check out these awesome character silhouettes by 3rd-year Gemini student, Cameron Witt.

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Wednesday Art Appreciation: Henry Clarke, Irish Illustrator & stained-glass artist. The details are stunning!

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Comic Appreciation: Gorgeously creepy panel from Supreme Blue Rose, by Warren Ellis with art by Tula Lotay.

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Great to see so much talent and creativity on display tonight

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Great work on show undergraduate degree show. Work from students....

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Remembering Cornwall by Rosie Shears. Oil on Canvas. 2017.

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We are pretty sure this wise old soul knows the secret to Lovely work by student Kimchi Zerbe!

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"Schizophrenia" Lea Orsini '17, acrylic ink and colored pencil on illustration board

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Spring has sprung! Lovely illustration by student Randy Smith!

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