Hey ^^ I'm Danie, 19 yo and I draw fanart of games and animes. I'm a huge Kill La Kill fan as you can see but I also draw other stuff. :D Usually I draw SFW, rarely NSFW too though. Also, I'm writing a story about Kill La Kill at the moment and I want to make comics in the future

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Hey ^^ I'm Danie, 19 yo and I draw fanart of games and animes. I'm a huge Kill La Kill fan as you can see but I also draw other stuff. :D Usually I draw SFW, rarely NSFW too though. Also, I'm writing a story about Kill La Kill at the moment and I want to make comics in the future

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Hey ^^ I'm Danie, 19 yo and I draw fanart of games and animes. Here's some of my stuff. I usually draw SFW, rarely NSFW (censored) too, and as you can see, I'm a huge Kill La Kill fan. :3 If you like what you see, check out my profile. I also write a KLK story at the moment.^^

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Hey ^^ I'm Danie, 19 yo and I draw fanart of games and animes. Here's some of my stuff. I usually draw SFW, rarely NSFW (censored) too, and as you can see, I'm a huge Kill La Kill fan. :3 If you like what you see, check out my profile. I also write a KLK story at the moment.^^

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Oh look at that, you're doing an artshare too. Well, I'm Danie, 19 yo and I draw fanart of games and animes. I'm working on a Kill La Kill story atm, so I'll just post some of my artworks for it here. But I also draw other stuff, usually SFW, sometimes NSFW. Goal: Better eyes! ^^

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Hey ^^ I'm Danie, 19 yo and I draw fanart of games and animes. I'm currently writing a Kill La Kill story and as you can see, I'm a huge fan of the anime. I usually draw SFW stuff but rarely NSFW too although it's censored if you don't want to see it. Thanks for the thread!^^

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Hey! I'm Danie, 19 yo and I draw fanart of games and animes. I'm a huge Kill La Kill fan so I figured I'll post some artworks of the story I'm writing right now. I also draw other stuff, usually SFW, rarely NSFW too, but I won't show it here of course. ^^


1 12

Hey ^^ I'm Danie, 19 yo and I draw fanart of games and animes. I'm writing a Kill La Kill story atm since I'm a huge fan of the anime, so I figured I'll post some of my artworks for it. But I also draw other stuff, usually SFW, rarely NSFW too. Story link:

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Hey ^^ I'm Danie, 19 yo and I draw fanart of games and animes. I'm also currently writing a Kill La Kill story as I'm a huge fan of the anime. Here are some of my covers and artworks for it, but I also draw other stuff, usually SFW, sometimes NSFW!


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Hey ^^ I'm Danie, 19 yo and I draw fanart of games and animes. I'm a huge KILL la KILL fan and I'm also writing a story right, link below. Usually I draw SFW stuff, rarely NSFW too but censored if you don't want to see it. Thanks for the thread! :)


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Hey ^^ I'm Danie, 19 yo and I draw fanart of games and animes. I'm a huge KILL la KILL fan and I'm also writing a story right, link below. Usually I draw SFW stuff, rarely NSFW too but censored if you don't want to see it. Thanks for thread! :)


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Hey! I'm Danie, 19 yo and I draw fanart of games and animes. I'm a huge Kill La Kill fan and I'm writing a story about it too at the moment, which I wanna convert into a comic sometime. I usually draw SFW, rarely NSFW too though. Thanks for the thread!

I'll tag :3

1 6

Hey ^^ I'm Danie, 19 yo and I draw fanart of games and animes. I'm a huge Kill La Kill fan and I'm writing a story about it too at the moment, which I wanna convert into a comic sometime. I usually draw SFW, rarely NSFW too though. Thanks for the thread :)

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Hey ^^ I'm Danie, 19 yo and I draw fanart of games and animes. I'm a huge Kill La Kill fan and I'm writing a story for it, which I later want to convert into an actual comic. But I also draw other stuff. Also, I usually draw SFW, sometimes NSFW too though. Thanks for the thread!

2 8

Hey ^^ I'm Danie, 19 yo and I draw fanart of games and animes. Usually it's SFW but rarely NSFW too, although I censore in case someone doesn't want to see it. I'm also working on a Kill La Kill story right now! :)

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Hey ^^ I'm Danie, 19 yo and I draw fanart. I'm a huge Kill La Kill fan as you can see, but I also draw stuff from other games and animes. Usually it's SFW but sometimes NSFW too, censored though if you don't want to see it. Here are two of my favorite artworks.

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Da hab ich tatsächlich nie mitgemacht.
Hab’s mir aber immer toll vorgestellt, wie diese Sportfeste in Animes... 👀
🤔 Ist vermutlich nicht so, was echt schade ist. Man könnte so vieles durch ein kleines bisschen mehr Aufwand so viel lustiger und einfach besser für alle machen.

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Congrats! My name is Danie, I'm 19 yo and I draw fanart of games, cartoons and animes. I'm a huge KLK fan as you can see, and the first image is my fav. piece I ever did, it's a cover. I usually draw SFW, NSFW rarely too tho. Here's the link for the story


1 7

Me dieron:

- Bandori
- Pokespe
- Love Live
- Hypmic

Responde y si me da la gana te digo cuatro animes. Si no te jodes.

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Hey ^^ My name is Danie, I'm 19 yo and here's some of my stuff. I usually draw fanart of games, cartoons and animes. Right now I'm drawing comic covers for one of my stories as you can see. Also, I'm a huge Kill La Kill fan and I rarely draw NSFW too. For more, visit my profile^^

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