Good evening everyone! Here's my latest image. This is the rosette nebula, it is 5000ly away from Earth! I took this image using 's new Hypercam 115M Pro Tec camera, i'm pretty impressed!!!
Have a great weekend all :)

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First Mars, now Jupiter. Could the universe be more gorgeous?

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New artwork for sale! - "Astrophotography - Whirlpool Galaxy Edges - Hubble Legacy Archive" -

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After a month of retrofitting my telescope with new gear, It's back in action. This probably some of the deepest detail I've gotten off of Nebula. 2.5 hours of light in Phoenix, AZ. I'm excited to do the core justice on an upcoming dark sky trip!

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Rosette Nebula took last night: clear sky + interval clouds, 30x3minutes integration. It is so huge! So happy all gears are working. Still have so much to improve and so much to learn in post processing. How do you like it?

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Cygnus Mosaic 2010 - 2020 / Mosaico del Cisne 2010 - 2020 vía
Image Credit & Copyright: J-P Metsavainio (Astro Anarchy)

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Just about the most spectacular stsr forming factory out there in cosmos,
And its practically on our doorstep, M42

Ha, HaRGB image
Have a good Monday

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Rosette Nebula is also referred to as the Skull 💀 Nebula - never saw it myself until tonight when I rotated my previous version. Starless for added effect - just for fun.

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Rosette Nebula

This Romantic Rose is one of my favorite in the winter skies.

Reprocessed in Hoo

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Deep space Friday,
Rosette Flame Tadpoles and Soul
All Ha RGB combinations

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Finger painted Space Art. Taking commissions for the Spring. Worldwide shipping 🥰

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Ic 1795 Fish Head
I reprocessed this, this is my 2nd version of the Hoo Palette
This was the 1st panel of 4 of the Heart Nebula that I shot in late 2020

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I’d just like to say thank you for all the likes, retweets and new followers over the last week. I’m glad you’ve liked my and posts.

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Andromeda Galaxie

After many weeks of cloudy skies, the sky was finally clear for a few hours on 10 January 2021. I took the chance to take some pictures. The total exposure time is 2h 21'. Image processing with Pixinsight and final touch with Photoshop.

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Morning peeps, I need ideas for new targets , been round the sky, any suggestions?

These were all good to do, B33, Lobster Neb, NGC7380 and NGC457

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The heart of Eta Carina in HaRGB.

More data again. I have a large catalogue of this now to go through and edit.

I'm realising as nice as SHO is. I really love HaRGB images. More pleasing to the eye I think.

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The Pelican flies high in the sky during the summer months.
Processed in Hoo

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