batjokes comic … joker can’t tell that bruce wayne IS batman yet

91 324

Batman was supposed to be in this but he didn't come out right, i can never really draw batman correctly but that won't stop me from trying.
Next time im drawing batman and joker together, the little goblins.

13 44

A little message to thank you for your kindness. Rarely have I seen such a benevolent Fandom, you are wonderful don't change a thing. 💋

18 76

Finished the colors, some quick fanart for my BatJokes AU in wich Bruce is working for Jokers gang, obviously undercover ;)

6 72

Tried out that (new - it’s actually old) brush for linearts and I have to say, I really like the outcome.

0 30

Finally found the time to color the lineart from one of my many many Joker versions :)

37 188

If I could marry a filter it would be the chromatic aboration one by Procreate xD 💕 love this hing, gives always some old 80 vibes. cause I miss them. And yes in my HC Bruce tries to rehabilitate him (both of them bc they are both fucked up imo xD)

7 53

Redraw of a very old drawing I did when I was probably 14?? I may fully color this at some point

1 15

Read Beneath the Surface again and I just can’t.... this fanfic is a masterpiece and I want it to CONTINUE 😭😭😭 should draw more for it but well.... 🤷‍♀️

6 60


(vos fijate en su muñequito y vas a ver que tiene un contorno en la cintura, como tienen los personajes femeninos normalmente esas figuritas xd)

14 66

" I knew you'd never give up on me. "
Some fuel for your day ♥

2 30