3☆ お叱りブラック (unbloom, framless)

0 0

愛心朋友 (bloom, cnstars2 image share)

3 2

2☆ ESのアイドル (unbloom, frameless)

0 0

장미꽃이 활짝 피는 계절,여러분의 일상에도 행복이 피어나길🌹The season when the roses are in full bloom,May happiness bloom in your daily life 🌹玫瑰盛开的季节,愿幸福在你的日常生活中绽放🌹

34 186

3☆ 共同とデッドエンド (unbloom, frameless)

0 0

3☆ 試みサマーナイト (bloom, frameless)

1 8

3☆ 照れ顔ライブ (bloom, frameless)

3 10

1☆ ひとりのアイドル (bloom, frameless)

1 2

兔群的隊長 (bloom, cnstars2 image share)

1 5

Happy birthday to Chieri Ogata, the gentle four-leaf-clover angel!

Fun fact: Chieri collects four-leaf-clovers and sees them as a sign of strength for herself! She often wishes on clovers, especially to make herself more brave!

Spread your wings and bloom, Chieri!🍀

54 157

5☆ 灰かぶり (bloom, frameless)

0 0

4☆ チャレンジゾンビ (bloom, frameless)

0 1

5☆ 自分らしく (unbloom, frameless)

3 8

5☆ 姫と騎士 (unbloom, frameless)

0 1

3☆ ジュントウタイム (unbloom, frameless)

1 2

4☆ トレーニングの夏 (bloom, frameless)

0 0

3☆ 普遍の悟空 (bloom, frameless)

0 0

Introducing the Main Character of Barachoda Bloom, officially known as Rahmir. He's an assistant professor who's been tasked to help do some research on botanical life in Bangladesh. There's one thing that's always on his mind, and that's fat man asses.

3 26

5☆ 姫と騎士 (bloom, frameless)

0 1

兔群的隊長 (bloom, cnstars2 image share)

0 4