IDW Hasbroverse Cover Date May 2017 Part 2 - Storylines/Events: Power And Glory - ROM - Dissolution Pt.6: This Machine Kills Fascists - The Price Of You - Schick Hydrobot And The Transformers - G.I. Joe A Real American Hero!

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IDW Hasbroverse Cover Date May 2017 Part 2 - Storylines/Events: Power And Glory - ROM - Dissolution Pt.6: This Machine Kills Fascists - The Price Of You - Schick Hydrobot And The Transformers - G.I. Joe A Real American Hero!

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Some from Facebook because fuck fascists

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los femboys en general, no se porque, pero los asocian con los fascistas ._.

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only fascists would think of kidnapping in a romantic way i swwear to god

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Los nazis de V💩X son una basura abyecta.

Y hasta aquí mi primer, y último, análisis sobre cualquier cosa que digan o hagan (ayer, hoy o mañana) ese montón de mierda fascista (valga la redundancia).

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Il 1937 venne promulgato nell’Italia fascista il 880. Denominato “Sanzioni per i rapporti d’indole coniugale tra cittadini e sudditi”,il provvedimento rappresentò il primo strumento di difesa della razza,vietando il matrimonio tra italiani e donne delle colonie.

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Fascists are using this emoji to identify each other on Twitter. Be vigilant, people.

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HOLA GENTE!!! vengo a informar que:: SAQUE PEGATAS con un rework gráfico de los détournements antifascistas de mi cuenta de memes (enlace con todos los diseños en mi bio)!! si kieren alguna hablenme por DM!!❤️❤️

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Un supervillano de Marvel que es una cabeza flotante gigantesca sabe lo que hay que hacer con los fascistas mejor que la mitad de España.

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Is it me or are there a lot of parallels between the Tr*mp Era (and Post-Tr*mp) GOP (and the unique brand of mindless, fascistic White Supremacist Terrorism its supporters seem to delight in) and Blue Cosmos? 🤣🤣🤣

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In these fascist times. A must read set of lectures from the poet Durs Grünbein. in an amazing translation by

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Um adendo importante: o Japão é FASCINADO pela estética nazifascista. Isso não é uma questão apenas de Attack on Titan: TODA a indústria de animes se inspira abertamente em elementos estéticos produzidos durante o III Reich, especialmente a moda militar.

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Neat bookish person of indeterminate gender. Doesn’t care much for intellectual posturing. Hates fascists and sunlight.

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Jordan Peterson finding out he's the Red Skull in the comics because they're both fascists is the richest, sweetest sensation of joy I've had in a while.

"Wait, being a misogynist bigot makes me the bad guy?"

Please keep these tweets coming, I wanna chase this feeling.

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Our PoliEd Committee has been working on a teach-in about fascism on LI that highlights Camp Siegfried, Yaphank's Nazi youth camp, and the current fascist threats on Long Island. We're excited to finally announce the teach-in date: April 17th. to register!

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Só quero dizer que o Homem-Grilo já socava um tal vigilante fascista quando o autor do personagem ainda fingia não ser fascista.

Ilustração do fodástico

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Dear world, we don't need nobel but at least Save Our Children please

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