Does anyone have a spare invite for ?🪄
I've got few mintable surprises 🙃

Current artworks in here ⬇️

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While it does indeed feel exhausting I am gonna keep posting art examples everyday until I land that invite. Not giving up!

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If anyone has an invite to I will proudly make it worth your while. I am a new artist that is passionate and dedicated to the cause. 47k strong on Instagram. I’m ready to make some happy investors♥️💪🏻🔥

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Still on the endless quest of seeking out that elusive invite. Here are some more examples of past work.

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If anyone’s got an invitation left for I’d be super happy to get one💕 here’s some of my work

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20 hours left! You currently only need to bid $0 to win! Nothing more! You lose nothing by doing so and could win my of


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Starting twitter with “chaos magic”.
Let’s see how it goes.

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