*Files under "things that run at you screaming and then explode"*

Headless Kamikaze is still one of the funniest enemies imo
the Flame Wheel chariots from kinda remind me of them

0 3

some progress has been made!
i barely touched Than's portrait though so i think i'm going to spend the rest of the evening working on it (as well as trying to finesse his brothers' a little more).

23 118

フィギュア楽しみですわね!/Looking forward to the figure

544 1601

I've seen plenty of swaps with Phoenix before but I wanted to see how these two looked with their outfits swapped too! Apollo looks surprisingly nice honestly?

0 0

Hades sketch dump from the server/drawpile, etc.!! ☺️💖
- Meg outfit swap with Artemis 🥰
- Zag pinned by the scythe 😳
- Incubus Than (aka why did i make him so fuccboi oh lord-)

34 255

June 02 2021 daily painting
"I'll always be with you, Zagreus--no matter how long it takes, or how many times it takes--and I'll be with you Up There, too."

142 632

everyone is gay and trans, thanks for listening!

191 735

The only good that came out of the fishing trip according to Zagreus: this hat he got afterwards

1 7

orpheus warmup to try out some new brushes

9 26

いつもお世話になっております(のにこの仕打ち)/Thanks for all your help.

5 23

フィギュア楽しみですわ!/Looking forward to the figure

182 726