Characters I share a personality type with (INFJ)

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I just took the test again...for shits and giggles...and as always, I got the INFJ result. I'll never change. LOL

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oda, armin, yasu, kaworu

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Oc doodle dump his name is Warrick and he’s an infj :p

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Age: 19
Height: 4'11
Sign: Pisces
Personality: INFJ-A

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Ayer que ví cuando Eri sonrió por primera vez y Mirio se emociona, chillé como Izuku... INFJ teníamos que ser

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𝘼𝙬𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙧 / 𝘼𝙣𝙖𝙞𝙨

Non-binary Black artist.
Sleepy otter by day, chaotic gremlin by night.

» Virgo

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When a feeler’s feelings are neglected...

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- querem resolver td na hora
- queriam ser mais sociáveis,mas se fecham mt pra gente nova
- lêem os outros mt bem
- tão sempre se prevenindo pra problemas do futuro (q podem nem acontecer)
- sentem MUITA empatia
- se sentem injustiçados
- guardam td pra si

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Ni-dom снова предсказывает тебе будущее

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I’ll go first! Heyaaa I’m Xazi, self taught digital artist, INFJ-T, simp for warm colors and anime style! 🧡

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INFJ ? รึเปล่านะ

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- inseguro
- cuida MUITO de voce
- ciumento
- Fofinho e carinhoso só com voce


- parabens por namorar um desse
- fofinho e carinhoso
- vai te tratar como se fosse da realeza
- levemente ciumento

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Bruh just took the Myers Briggs we really out here being INFJ-T like he’s right …but at what cost lmao why tf is JOE FUCKING DARKE INFJ??? and dahlia too why is everyone on here a damn murderer, not nahyuta tho so there’s that

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Idealistas quietos e místicos, porém muito inspiradores e incansáveis.

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