OMG I just won a giveaway from . Now my kitaro has a partner. Thank youuu so much! Appreciate it major! 🌹❤️ Love the team, art and community. Need to collect more !

0 0

Happy ! Our mint is in 12 days 😻

We want to cheer up the during these market turbulences 💓

Giving away beautiful 🐈

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not affiliated with

802 756

I am a but I had to buy this little cat.

Where is the kitaro fam ?

33 105

New day, New
Say hello to Hellkat 🔥🎣😾

One of the few OG Fisherman Kitaros who survived the first battle vs the Amphibious Legendary aka Sharkitaro🌊 His fire fur helped him escaped the wrath of the beast and for that he continues to smile everyday!

31 96

Welcome to the Enchanted Forest, Gatekeeper Legendary!

Who will you let through the portal? ✨

170 389

NFT by KitaroStudios

My Badass Kitaro is keeping an eye on you all: 👀👀👀

38 148

Finally joined the community with this cool cyberpunk outfit!! Which is your favorite punk jacket?

Feel free to share yours in the comments below!

0 5

So everyone feels better here is a grass pic so you can touch today! Don’t mind the ghost 👻

28 97

Did you read what KAMI said on ?
I agree at 100%, we are more than 2500 holders. Most of us love THE ENCHANTED FOREST 🌳
Let’s build our value, I’am not here to speculate, I am here to build what I wanted to build using my

Very excited

32 74

* draws aobouzu , an obscure character from gegege no kitaro season 5 once *
* disappears for an eternity *

3 5

I need to know if you want me to continue my collaboration with this young with my 4404
« In a post apocalyptic world in wich radioactivity has modified animals, KITARO 4404 rise a gang against the craziest: OVER THINK »

26 77

NFT by KitaroStudios

52 189

Nood Kitaros 🔥🔥

Rate R for mature audiences

0 4

Meow meow full body 🔥
Thx great work 👊

17 50

Working on a sketch of one of my Kitaros! Can’t wait to bring this guy to life. Where’s all my fellow karate kitties at!?

68 203

All my are my 💎

I’ve just delisted the only that was listed among my 16s, bc I truly believe that this collection won’t be “another bluechip”, but the tipping point to bridge and

Save this tweet. We will make history fam ✊❤️

28 75