The glowup(?) I think both designs have their merits they’re really only the same character in name only and because I say so

0 5

Muy buenos días , hace un rato no te deseo los buenos días porque aquí es plena madrugada y duermo, pero bueno, ten un excelente inicio de semana ♡

¿Ya merito el extensible?

1 10

Comment ça tu n'as que 500?! TU MERITES TELLEMENT PLUS OMG
Sinon, jte laisse t'amuser avec moi si par tout hasard je gagne :D

0 5

It's been a long post-ritual day, have some Primo and be awesome.❤️‍🔥

[ ]

49 183

There is artistic merit in me the likes of which you've never seen. There is cringe in me the likes of which should never escape. If I am not satisfied in one, I will indulge the other.

1 17

〝 Aaand are you taking the treck. . .aloooone? I imagine you are fully capable on your own merits. Perhaps this is where we part our separate ways, until fate joins us again ── 〞

0 1

My GHOST Halloween card for this year is complete!!! 👻 Really happy with how it turned out ☺️ The white border will be painted with purple pearlescent paint on the actual cards.

2 9

💀Portada revelada💀
Se que no suelo hacer revelaciones tan tarde, pero esta portada lo amerita, miren lo bella que quedó y lo que es. “Sangre azul” escrita por Valentina Díaz. ✨💙

3 110

Personajes amables pero que estén dispuestos a ser violentos o salirse de su personalidad tranquila cuando la situación lo amerita y villanos que impongan terror en sus enemigos, maldigo y bendigo a Dragon ball por mis gustos

0 1

Interesante como esto desmerita los argumentos de "Chicas + Corona de flores = Amigas/hermanas solamente"👀 TIEMBLEN, HlKAK0HA-TARDS!! TIEMBLEN, HATERS BIFÓBICOS!!! TIEMBLEN!!! >w<

0 1

Nobukatsu soon

I want that twink annihilated, obliterated and destroyed.
I want that twink 500% chance to sacrifice self [demerit]

0 4

// blood, decapitation

Headless Terzo for the win 🩸🩸🩸

0 4

If anything happens to the Antichrist, I will kill everyone and then myself - Storm, probably

46 229

Hey, Keilar! Good luck on this new path you're going down with . I thought that it merited a new graphic.

14 79

Mondays are for !

It's the first full week of September. Time does fly, but while we can't anticipate everything, there's still a merit to careful planning. Just ask the Nuno, drawn here by Paul Quiroga for Black Mark!

2 4

Merithra got an update to her model to add leaves, so looks like she's gonna be stuck with this model for the whole xpac :(

9 279