holy shit
2017 > 2018 > 2019
(yes, I started drawing in 2017)

0 0

8 years of trying to figure out how to position hands ✨
2011 - 2015 - 2019

1 9

Well, this is gonna be fun xD
2012 - 2016 - 2019
The 2012 one is my very first digital drawing with a tablet so go figure 😅
It wasn't intentional, but seeing them together I kinda love that they share a similar color scheme

2 3

Alright, I'm doing this.
ㄟ( ̄▽ ̄ㄟ)


7 77

I had like three timelines for this, but lets show how I improved drawing alteregos+cats 😺

4 21

redheads edition !

2013 -> 2016 -> 2019

I thought improvement would be like climbing up a slope or stairs. Long but regular and predictable.
It's not. It's a roller coster and you never know when the next "where the F did that come from?" is going to appear ! ❤️🎨

1 9

I like this hashtag
I am not drawing for that long but hope you like.
thinking of if i should do an paperdrawing one too,
should I?

0 3

The first is from 2011, the year I started with digital art, the second from 2014, one of my most elaborate pics to this date (I drew like 2 month on it, I was a maniac back then!), and the last is from 2019.

14 158

"Middle art". Anyway, let's do the thing:
2006 // 2012 // 2018

22 253

the first one is so embarassing... x) my OC Shayasanya in 2007, 2014 and 2019

1 0

Так, поржать. Попыталась подобрать что-то более-менее однотипное (ха-ха). Прогресс есть, но иногда он идёт такими рывками и припадками, что некоторые картинки пятилетней давности вполне составят конкуренцию свежим (поэтому выбрала пострашнее). :D


3 40

Здесь уже будет с антро~ Сложно искать более-менее схожие изображения разных времен, при этом не натыкаясь на рисунки, связанные с неприятными людьми.

0 9

I've always been a traditional art person woops

12 17

Пришла пора расчехлять кривое прошлое. Этот пост будет с человеками~ По ним, как мне кажется, больше всего прогресс виден.

0 11

2011 - 2015 - 2019

I really just don't improve despite the training 😓

1 1

Jumping on the bandwagon
I started into only in January 2018, creating mainly unsual in with and
January 2018 - Misty Waterside
August 2018 - Deep Forest
January 2019 - Visitor

0 11

Join it! art meme!

⭐️2011: I started with digital painting 😳

⭐️2014: I saturated the illustrations too much, although little by little I found my subject.

⭐️2018: I try to control values, anatomy, etc. and to explore own themes.

5 14

Moons--Dictating my compositions since '07
2007 | 2013 | 2018

7 51