At the age of thirteen, Korina knew a lot of things - some that happened long ago, some that have yet to come - Mostly things that she had no right knowing.
Left adrift, but not powerless, she saw pieces of purpose strewn before her, and set about assembling them to her liking.

10 72

The featured SSR+ Card
Name: Wondrous Easter☆Miku
Illustrated by: MACCO
Skill - Hoppin' Holic - Renders both enemies and cards powerless on the turn activated and significantly powers-up this card.

1 2

Hey! You there! Time to wish this girl a happy birthday! As long as her eyes are open, Kaze is able to render anyone powerless by stealing the essence of their soul and taking their abilities for herself.

🎨 by

3 7

im gonna keep doodling my neopets and you are powerless against me

4 20

Eggdogs have taken over space we are powerless to our egg overlords

1 19

★MANKAI컴퍼니 신공연 안내★
근일, 여름조 제6회 공연 『꽃의 왕자님』을 배신합니다.
주연:사키사카 무쿠 준주연:효도 쿠몬
공연곡:The Prince in Full Bloom〜꽃의 왕자와 신하님~

30 15

Almeniel, the kindly drow necromancer, who's more interested in giving the powerless a second chance at life than raising an army of dead. Commission for !

22 55

The genius wizard is powerless in front of that cute smile

145 402

Hope everyone grabs Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man issue today!
Check the cover to
"The neighborhood, and the planet, is doomed. Spider-Man is powerless to stop the end of the world. Only Earth’s Newest and Mightiest Hero, Spider-Bite, can save the day.
Wait, WHAT?!"

40 339

Obata Takeshi is one of my all faves 💖💖💖
Every single time I see his work I feel both powerless and powerful simultaneously --

20 167

this photo just screamed in my face and told me i'm powerless

3 14

I'm real late for the art flood but this is my bit. The prompts I chose were bloody and powerless.

0 10

Now you're seeing things as they are, Hinata-kun! That fury in your eyes.. it would fill me with hope if it wasn't wasted on someone so powerless. You know, hope in the hands of the powerless is just recklessness.

1 0

"I am powerless to hide anything from the keen eye of the Inquisition."

5 6

"Don't lose of sight him litten ʕ ” – ∧ – ” ʔ,
he is such a bad little boy that needs to learn behavior ʕᴥ• ʔ☝,
so don't be shy and make him feel the powerless baby he is litten ʕ •`ᴥ•´ʔ🍼"
"Solgaleo Onesie" Version ✨:

28 140

She fucks up my computer every time she does it, clicking the pen everywhere. But she's so cute and holds my cheek and looks in my eyes as she takes the pen from me. Honestly I am powerless to stop it.

0 4

powerless to protect you

1 5