A reconstruction of Phu noi Mamenchisaurid.

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E is for Euoplocephalus. It's name literally means 'well-armoured head'. And it was. This anyleosaurid giant, was tail whipping and head butting in Canada around 80 million years ago.
(Photo Victoria Arbour & Philip Currie; Art John Sibbick)

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Since almost all tetrapods, had/have lips covering their teeth it would take more evidence than just having an odd skull shape and being semiaquatic to justify reconstructing Spinosaurids without any lips. Even most semiaquatic animals have covered teeth, like hippos. (3/6)

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An made up pachycephalosaurid to fit a niche I wanted. Surprisingly very good climbers, making them a bit of a pain to keep in pens. these little buggers are the dinosaur equivalent to goats for Kaer'sol

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A portrait of Wiehenvenator albati, a large megalosaurid from the Middle Jurassic of Germany, to start the New Year. I am still on vacation until next week though 😊

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This is a small reconstruction of Tianyulong confuciusi, an heterodontosaurid from Late Jurassic China, for my in-prep book. Some basal ornithischian dinosaurs are known to have been fuzzy... some could have been VERY fuzzy!

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Day 7 (Night) 😊 - Reuploaded since I forgot goofy spinosaurid teefs.
A suchomimus enjoys a rare peaceful night. I realised after that it was a little too brightly lit but okay just pretend this is Tamriel. 😅
*(I don't have a dinosaur problem)*

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2. The next for will be a proceratosaurid with a rather remarkable name “Crown Dragon”. Proceratosaurids are known for their small size (with some exceptions), long arms with three fingers, and elaborate crests.

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Lajasvenator ascheriae fue un dinosaurio terópodo carcharodontosaurido de principios del Cretácico.
Sus restos fueron encontrados en la Provincia de Neuquén, Argentina.
Lajasvenator es el carcharodontosáurido más antiguo registrado en Sudamérica, y el más pequeño en el mundo.

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Watch out for flash floods Borealopelta (Northern shield)! A nodosaurid ankylosaur from the Lower Cretaceous of Alberta. This dinosaur was the one washed out to sea and became the exquisite fossil housed at the Royal Tyrrell Museum in Drumheller.

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Rajasaurus is a carnivorous abelisaurid theropod dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous of India. India at this time was an island, due to the break-up of the supercontinent Gondwana. This ambush predator is hunting in a swampy grove of mangrove palms.

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I will never get tired of reconstructing Guanlong wucaii, the Late Jurassic Proceratosaurid Tyrannosauroid from China. I find its proportions so elegant!

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Day 19: Alvarezsauridae; Alvarezsaurus.

A Cretaceous roadrunner is part basal member of Alvarezsaurid family.

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Day 14.

Kentrosaurus aethiopicus
Meaning: "sharp reptile"
Length: 4.5 m(15 ft)
Weight: 1 ton
Lived: Late Jurassic Africa
Diet: herbivore
Family: stegosauridae
Named: 1915

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Having some fun for today's A Lambeosaurus Lambei of love. A hadrosaurid dinosaur that lived 75 million years ago. I like to call them Mitten Heads.

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Day 12: Dryosauridae; Dryosaurus.

A Jurassic Iguanodontian dryosaurus elderae is the newest ornithopod specie that was originated in Dinosaur National Monument, Utah during the late jurassic. Based on skeletal design by GetAwayTrike.

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Day 11: Stegosauridae; Tuojiangosaurus multispinus.

This is an Asian Stegosaurid dinosaur that is originate in Dashanpu formation during the late Jurassic period.

Based on skeletal design by

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Dinovember Day 5.

Dilophosaurus wetherilli
Meaning: "double crested reptile"
Length: 7 m(23 ft)
Weight: 400 kg(880 lbs)
Lived: Early Jurassic North America
Prey: other dinosaurs, carcasses
Family: dilophosauridae
Named: 1970

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