In a medieval fantasy land, a contagious curse threatens humanity’s survival. The heir, Simba, inherits his family legacy of “cleansing” the Afflicted. But when he meets an Afflicted boy, Simba must denounce his destiny and journey to cure the curse instead

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graham (lift him up like simba)

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Been feeling a bit poop lately.... so I let it out in a drawing.... ENJOY!

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"Pero las cenizas perecían estrellas en el cielo, dejando caer una leve niebla en su despeinada melena. Entonces soñó con aquello que temía a suceder, cuando quizás la realidad sea distinta a lo que creyó, ¿Pero sería verdad?"

day 9 and 10

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Have a doodle of cub Simba that I did! Trying my best at Disney style! 8D What do you think?

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Since we are on the Lion King subject, have a doodle of Simba that I did. 8D Trying my best at Disney Style!

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Welcome King!!!🦁👑 knew you had some Simba in you 😉

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Mixed feeling. Seneng abis J-fest dan sedih banget Simba ilang kemarin..
Dia suka main keluar beberapa kali, dan pulang kalo dia laper. Tapi ini dari kemaren ga pulang. Udah cari sekomplek.. ga ada.
Sekarang aku kangen banget lagi.. Aku tau sih kucing oren kuat, tapi aku kangen..

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I had no intention of doing this a decade ago when I got the tattoo, but I think I need to add a mane to my Simba tattoo. It’s faded a bit and somehow it feels like it’s time for both of us.

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Hari and Simba’s story continues 👀❤️💙 Chapter 17: Breaking a Bird’s Wings is now published! Chapters 18 and 19 will be posted tomorrow to conclude the first half of my original novel series. Read for free below! 🙏🏼

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Happy birthday and thank you for the artshare!
The b&w is my usual styl and then you have a Lion King fanart I made yesterday (but it's Simba, who's evil 😁🦁)

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In appreciation of this random thing I found, I hereby present to you The Lion King - but it's Simba who's the villain! Cheers 🦁💕

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HAYOO! To all Filipinos here, please drop some pics of Filipino fashion during Christmas season. I need INSPIRATION for my new fashion line EHE
P.S Christmas party, Simbang Gabi, CHRISTMAS RELATED, MEME INCLUDED)

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Simba's Saint Patrick Lunch
A long-awaited IOU for
8000x6000 pic available for download for Patrons -

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20/09/21 ดีใจที่หลังจากวาดรูปนี้มีลูกค้าติดต่อมาให้วาดจากเยอรมันถึง2คนเลย..ปวดหลังวนไปค่ะ😁
รูปนี้จาก ig: amy_simba ขออนุญาตแล้วรูปนี้ไม่ได้ขายแต่เก็บไว้ดูเอง กำแพงบ้านเริ่มจะหาที่แขวนไม่ได้แล้ว😂😂

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Khnum, Khnum.
Simba wants to see the boy.
Can they be friends?
(A few months later, there was a fuss.)
(But father stayed home for a while!)

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In Stream! i've worked on this with him but didn't showed him!

It was a surprise that I secretly draw Simba as well! and thought I give also a version of Justin of a lion cup! 💜

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