Once again her step-mother had found a way to humiliate her. The costume for the ball was meant to look angelic and instead after the other woman's 'alterations' she looked less angel and more...

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orange & red fiery lights from the sunrise shone around her & made her halo of red hair look almost like living fire. A fire her eyes burned with as they looked down on us & for a moment we were unsure if our prayers had been answered or our end was nigh

8 39

The stood atop the Crown of the World, victorious - for now at least. Their foes natural and supernatural had been driven back for the moment but it was early days still. That had been but the first wave and the power they faced had an army of foes to send

1 14

Taking careful aim with his arrow he wondered why no-one ever took into account that if he could fire one into the heart of a person struck by love that he was equally capable of doing so when opposing those whose hearts were filled with hate!

3 30

Little did the foursome realise that the threat behind the recent events and troubles that had brought them together was more fearsome and dangerous then even they had imagined

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with the field of her faith before here & in her heart, she called on the powers of the divine. Almost instantly two pairs of wings sprout from her back allowing her to take to the air. Divine light and power sprang from her other hand ready to strike down

2 26

he stroll forward like a being out of myth, his sword shaded in darkness and shadows yet light and power flared in his other hand. His companions behind, were unusual in their own ways but it was the man, the godling perhaps, that drew the eye...

2 27

It made sense that the last of the Sky Cities had guards and soldiers capable of flight, yet when she appeared before them that first time, it still caught them by surprise and a little wonderment. Of course, that first meeting was a little tense...

9 72

Before the rise of Aroden Aeon Stones were not simply gems that floated around a person. There magics were created to infuse weapons, armour and people. With those words two stones moved from her head, one settling on her back the other onto her sword

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He knew his appearance would make his presence and dedication to the goddess questionable to most. He had just not expected that long, long list to include a Herald of the Divine Lady, he would have thought she would see past his looks and into his heart

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Looking back at my time in that desert valley I'm not sure if she was really or a mirage. Either way the Angel of the Sand's renewed my faith, my hope & my determination to escape my Gnoll captors & free my fellow prisoners before they could sell us

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"Very well, you have my attention," he declares releasing his double grip on the hilt of his sword so he could open his arms in the universal sign of peace. Behind him the others in his group regarded them with suspicion but not out right hostility yet...

2 12

And so the prophesy came to be, the last of her line, the babe of royal blood and more was saved. Her guardian the last of the fallen, an angel to the gods no more but a protector of man. He had seen the fickleness of the Gods, how they toyed and played

9 37

He stood on the top of the steps looking down at the humans, the favoured ones. Time and again they had the choice, the chance to make the right decisions and find their way to his welcoming arms. Time and again they failed and chose greed and lust.

4 24

The portrait of brother and sister had hung proudly on the study wall since the day they graduated as members of the Pathfinder Society. One light and one one dark in complexion...and in nature as tales of their adventurers started to reveal

4 23

The clouds parted above us to reveal what many first thought was an angel & there were gasps of wonder and delight from the younger members of the passengers. I did not have the heart to tell them she was as human as they, a winged guardian of the sky city

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The war between law & chaos had been battling across planes & time since the 2 forces of those two extreme ideals saw one another. Yet amongst the most important battles and times that had gone before and would surely come, this one, in this city right now

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