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コミック「Adventures Vol.8: Defend the Republic」読了。TCW関連の話をまとめたIDW最新刊。最初がジャージャーとパドメの宝探し回であるものの、地味にEP1後のナブー王室を絵で見れるのが嬉しい。ちなみに今回の最大のオチは"公式から綴りを間違えられるバリス"ですかね。

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Was good to be back in the ring last night for TCW! 🤟✊

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This scene in trailer really makes me wonder if we’re going to get a scene where realizes she’s pregnant. It’s such an important moment, and I’m really hoping the show devotes time to it.
*I traced a screenshot from the trailer, then colored it.

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He still ultimately won the fight so I can't complain too much, but this would have been great to see. I love his Jar'Kai moments in TCW.

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still think tcw writers belong in JAIL for this one

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No sign of our favorite asthmatic cyborg in the new trailers, and I doubt they’ll have time to bring him in, whatwith all the other baddies they need to focus on. Still, I always liked in and thought I’d give drawing him a shot.

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opening showカウントダウン

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Hokusai x TCW cause i love both teams a lot

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Compared to SWR and TCW, series finale is so much smaller scale, but the stakes are just as high, which is a testament to the show. I've adored this little oddity from start to end & can honestly say it's been my favourite Star Wars Animated series so far 💕

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anyways thinkin 'bout it bc i finally remembered what the TCW trailer was reminding me of

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📢5/8発売 バトルCD 予約受付中!!📢
『Paradox Live Stage Battle "JUSTICE"』


詳細▷ https://t.co/OeFJzzSbDe

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Paradox Live will have a stage battle against each other starting with BAE vs cozmez on March 31. Their battle is called “DESIRE”

Later TCW are against Bad Boys. Their battle theme is “Justice” and will be release on May 8.

Voting for who’s the winner are by buying the albums!

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📢2020.5.8 バトルCD発売決定📢
『Paradox Live Stage Battle "JUSTICE"』

詳細▷ https://t.co/OeFJzzAALG

3221 11779


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