Finished color washes in underpainting, began straightening things and adding opaque darks.

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Turp-wash underpainting, so far. Still 2 wash in color. Have some straightening 2 do.

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acrylic underpaintings of more work on the go

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v much in progress, abstract underpainting 28"x36"

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WIP underpainting/sketch for digital painting.

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Last week's session with Rui, experimenting with more underpainting. Back to ruin it with colour this afternoon! ;)

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Enjoying offensive coloured underpainting

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A bit of art. "The Explorer" from 1991. Colored pencil over a watercolor underpainting on illustration board.

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Painting over the monochromatic underpainting... I'm really enjoying this technique!

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Step 2: clean up sketch and block in basic lighting. This will be used as an underpainting to establish value.

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