I wonder if anyone will make the colour connection... even though the parts have been reversed...

(he said, posting the images to show the connection)

Sorry - I just really liked doing this :D

(Game probably out on Saturday!)

9 14

ZX Spectrum Loading Screen Castles 91/100: War in Middle Earth

6 29

One of the top games, amazing what this game is when you play it again decades later, an open world driving game, traffic lights, real maps

7 24

Parts of adverts for early games from the Jan 17-23, 1984 issue of Home Computing Weekly. Can you name the games though?

1 5

4 Covers from 1992

DJ Puff - 1992
Murray Mouse: Supercop - 1992
Grell and Fella - 1992
Big Nose's American Adventure - 1992

5 18

ZX Spectrum Loading Screen Castles 87/100: Through the Trap Door

6 36

ZX Spectrum Loading Screen Castles 86/100: The Valley

5 24

Such a simple game, but a game I played hours of back in the day, I'm sure it's because I liked Chuckie Egg so much

3 15

ZX Spectrum Loading Screen Castles 84/100: The Keeper

(That's an arrow, apparently 🤔)

2 6

Good conversion of BootCamp game, good fun 2-player game, there were many games with this 2-player view, I wish we had more of them today😀

6 23

4 Covers from 1990

Tilt - 1990
Italian Supercar - 1990
Magicland Dizzy - 1990
Prince Clumsy - 1990

7 15

4 Covers from 1990

Wacky Darts - 1990
Kwik Snax - 1990
Miami Chase - 1990
Pro Boxing Simulator - 1990

4 16

Arcade perfect port of Bubble Bobble on the is now available at https://t.co/O18VMAk12u

37 100

Lots of Marvel and DC games on the old micros, really nice colourful palette, looks like someone forgot to add the colour on the Speccy😀

6 14

Do you still miss the thrill of receiving your fave 8-bit magazine? We do, so we thought let's bring that feeling back. You heard it here first...Crash, Zzap 64 and Amtix could be returning, but we need your help.

19 31