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she should go talk to her sister applejack

who she loves very much

0 20

Applejack And Jill

# Covers, Babes, Enoch Bolles, Film Fun, Magazine

4 14

AppleJack. The Baddest Earth Pony.

5 27

[🍎] Wanted to go back to my roots for a second. She's one of my favorites. ❤️

2 6

Samurai Applejack...I love Humprey for making that intro and For making the Samurai Applejack portrate.

5 18

Part three of my Mane Six redesigns, the earth ponies!

8 25

my little pony: friends forever staring rarity and applejack 💎🍎

59 373

Pony Life Applejack: *to the camera* She says that exact same thing to us when he goes missing! *to Lachlan* Don’tcha worry, Sugardog, we won’t stop looking for your best friend. Promise.

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Smolder: Alright, how about this one? What was the exact order of Lachlan becoming friends with our teachers?

Unikitty: Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Discord, Trixie, Spike, Starlight AND Twilight Sparkle.

Starlight: She got that right!

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Unikitty: Elementary, he’s very fond of Applejack since she’s pretty close to Rainbow Dash too.

Applejack: You got that right, smarty-cat!

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