nice vaporeon idea ,actually recently drew my own vaporeon varients,cause lately been running a pokemon horror dnd campaign and I draw pics like these so its easier for the group to understand what their encountering ,I recorded each session on my youtube channel

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Spear Fishing | (with other varients including futa)

Provided by the always amazing ( and funded by my patrons

1 14

One more and that will be it for tonight. Here's an old pic of Raven with a rare NSFW milky nude varient. "Its not like I love them or anything?

38 180

Estados Unidos, o mas conocido por América, USA, Es hermano Menor de Inglaterra,....No hay mucho que contar de USA realmente es...simplemente USA uwu
El "Héroe" arrogante amante de las amborgezas
No se si con la """BODA"""" De Inglaterra y Francia ahora estos sean parientes.. (+)

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Fucking clown Delete This o Quieres que te dé un pinche levanton pariente.

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riveroi: este cetáceo era un pariente marino del delfín del Ganges, y vivió en el Mioceno (19 M años aprox) en las costas del actual Perú. Se conoce por un cráneo bien conservado, en el que destaca un largo hocico que se curva ligeramente a la derecha

2 4

A diferencia de sus parientes las serpientes marinas, las tortugas marinas son pocas especies, y TODAS en peligro de exterminio. ¿Quieres conocerlas?. Ya, en Crónicas de "Los marinos (y II). Las tortugas marinas"
Dibujo: Roger Hall

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Well, normally I would be a red varient of a Pokemon when I tf. But why I'm I a shiny bolthound, I don't even know.

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Old varient of a thing I never posted haha

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Been working on a few varients for Generic Space Suit 00
for New Arms and single haded weapons to do, maybe pointing hands or equipment or even off hand close combat weapons?

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And here's Nomad, and his Island Event Skin using his 3 star and the varient.

1 3

Como cuando armé mi team de supervivencia al apocalipsis chombi. Los del otro equipo ya estan chillando por la cuarientena y ni dibujito tienen 👀

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hohoho... so you have the wand... yesss goood. also theres a bamboo varient i use 8D

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Hoy tocó trabajar (obvio desde casa) con filogenias y evolución del cráneo de tordos y sus parientes 🐦

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Should I give sechi green eyes?
Every human varient I make of myself usually has green eyes so it could make it more canonical
Then owl with green eyes 🤔

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Say hello to Riven Twilight. Yes, I premade lewds for male, female and futa varients. Hope you guys can enjoy their inclusion to the cast.

3 19

Took a lot of learning and effort but I have finished this trainervarient of 's OC Jeralyn. Thank you so so much for letting me draw your baby ; u ;

3 16

My favourite thing about comics is the use of colors! That's so pretty!!

Venom varient cover by Derrick Chew

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's DnD varient human Bard Daffodil~ Governor of Outpost Santa Barbara~

another one of 's DnD group~
much inspired by

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