Aventurine x Caelus
アベンチュリン x 穹
Sunday x Caelus
サンデー x 穹

🦚C-Cae? W-Why you’re here…?
☀️See how your precious Trailblazer is taken control by me?Should I turn him into Halovian?

172 1801


504 3930


2428 16190

I will get this little gambler tomorrow! 🥹🍀

And Good luck everyone to those who will pull for him🍀 🦚

77 295


670 3757

🎲🗿🔁❌ 不要在意医学合理性
突然想看狂气又有点疯的Aventurine,是之前那个雇佣兵和军医的梗,Aventurine负伤住院,躺在病床上鼻子里还插着输氧导管呢,结果只是听见门外有人说了点诋毁军医Ratio的鸡掰话就一手拎着氧气瓶另一手拿出藏在病号服里的枪冲出病房门外挂着疯疯的笑说“Pardon me~? ”

0 62


1 133


2578 15287

Aventurine mishears the lyrics to Robin’s song

1284 10297

'been workin two weeks nonstop
so here's an Aventurine rkgk

74 365

Aventurine x Caelus rkgk
アベンチュリン x 穹

‘Getting frisky in the morning’

95 877

Aventurine x Caelus 👘 💍
アベンチュリン x 穹

🦚 『My lovely wife looked so exquisite in yukata, right? 』

58 528