We're going to watch fireworks this weekend! In Japan people wear yukata (summer kimono) to watch fireworks!👘🎆

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It's August and summer is here for sure! What does summer make you think of? 🍉🏖️

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Summer holidays have just started but the kids look like they have lots of homework!

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School summer holidays have started! Max is happy because the kids can take him for walks while they're off.

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The sunflowers in the garden are growing up!🌻
I think they're going to grow really tall this year!🌻🌻

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Summer is a time to make barley tea! The drink helps cool minerals and body. It's perfect for the summer.

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The best feeling is when after making dinner someone tells you the food was delicious!

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This morning there was panic as Ringo suddenly remembered his homework, finishing it before school.

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The morning glory plants the kids are growing are getting longer! What color will the flowers will be?

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Today is Tanabata in Japan. Write your wish on a note and attach it to a bamboo tree! 🌟🎋🌟

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When we got home Max had the snail on his back! Max seems to like it so we put it on a leaf in the garden!

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It feels like summer has begun! It's important to be careful of the heat.

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I worked on the flower bed this morning. It was so nice and sunny today. Summer is almost here!

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Me and Ichigo made Salisbury Steak today!
Even better than mama!

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When I was working on the garden I came across a frog with such pretty green colors.

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Walking around the lake with Max today I saw the lotus had blossomed and I saw tadpoles too!

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It was raining when I walked Max today. He became fascinated with a snail! It was very funny to watch!☔️🐌🐸🐌☔️

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Bigleaf hydrangea are so pretty this time of year. Mama is growing the purple flowers in her garden too! So pretty!

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It was Father's Day yesterday. Ichigo gave Papa a letter and Ringo drew a portrait of him! Papa was so happy!

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It's Father's Day on Sunday! The kids are thinking about what they can give him to make him smile!💕💕💕

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