This is my latest OC, Kiki. This could use some constructive criticism. Comment below!👇

3 13

Is it still acceptable to post a happy new years drawing?
If it isn't, i am not open to criticism.

1 4

Yes I will continue to make pun names for all of these Young Avengers fursonas, no I will not take criticism. Originally I was going to make Kate just a raven but then I was hit with an epiphany: Gryphon's are cooler and also have hands

2 11

But one could use this... information to deflect criticism.
"You think my job's weird, sonny? Let me tell you about a guy who reviews onaholes..."

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People like that make me sick. What kind of person do you have to be to go out if your way to make someone feel so terrible? No one asked for your negative opinion and if they did, it needs to be constructive criticism. That’s how that works. Otherwise.

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:3 Thank you for any criticism.

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looking for some constructive criticism... i'm trying to change my style to shake off my perfectionism when drawing, has anyone got any suggestions?

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bitto is best boy and i dont take criticism.

11 22

"Gender: inferior, Soundwave: superior"

Hot take but Soundwave is a nonbinary dad I will take no criticism.

7 21

Unfortunately no, I don’t take criticism.

1 3

Ok so, I colored Bathym but DAMN did it take me much longer than I thought it would. I like how it looks but it could definitely be much better. I could def use criticism.

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Yes, I do pick a team based on either pretty-scale or goofy-scale. No, I don’t take constructive criticism.

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Here's something I worked on for about 6 hours. I'm really happy with how it turned out, but I'm always open for criticism. What do you think of it?

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Here’s a character I did , I honestly still am learning how coat an stuff works but hopefully you guys can give me tips for clothes an stuff . I would be appreciate for some little criticism.

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Sue Jenkins is a great instructor! She was calm, easy-going, taught the right amount at the right speed & was receptive to questions and criticism. She was very patient & friendly to everyone & I never felt rushed or discouraged. She helped to create a great learning environment.

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An old drawing, repainted.
It is the first time I try to draw a human figure with this level of realism.
I would really appreciate some criticism.

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This whole show was a masterpiece and I don't take criticism..

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Hey, my first tweet is a fanart of the character created by 람다람 (RDR). Hope you guys like, i'm accepting any constructive criticism.

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yes, they're married. no, i don't take constructive criticism.

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Tsuzuru A3 has pudding hair. I dont take criticism.

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