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"'I came here tonight expecting to expel Potter and instead-'
'Instead you get to arrest me,' said Dumbledore, smiling. 'It's like losing a Knut and finding a Galleon, isn't it?'"
— JKR (OP27)

by Aidinera

1 10

"'Yeah, the DA's good,' said Ginny. 'Only let's make it stand for Dumbledore's Army, because that's the Ministry's worst fear, isn't it?'”
— JKR (OP18)

by Viria13

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“'You - er - got our - er - message that the time and - er - place of the hearing had been changed, then?’
‘I must have missed it,’ said Dumbledore cheerfully. ‘However, due to a lucky mistake I arrived at the Ministry three hours early”
— JKR (OP8)

by Alice Wack

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Harry Potter ships as kinds of Greek love Part 1+2 || Ron/Harry as Philia and Grindelwald/Dumbledore as Mania

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"Ron told Harry about a meeting Mrs Weasley had had with Dumbledore before going home.
'She went to ask him if you could come straight to us this summer,' he said. 'But he wants you to go back to the Dursleys, at least at first.'"
— JKR (GF37)

by UpTheHill

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"'If your determination to shut your eyes will carry you as far as this, Cornelius,' said Dumbledore, 'we have reached a parting of the ways. You must act as you see fit. And I - I shall act as I see fit.'"
— JKR (GF36)

by Aidinera

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“‘He said the protection my - my mother left in me - he’d have it, too. And he was right […] he touched my face.’
For a fleeting instant, Harry thought he saw a gleam of something like triumph in Dumbledore’s eyes”
— JKR (GF36)

by Clef-en-Or

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Comfort's fav characters are ALWAYS the in which is why she was psyched to get to do and for our bit print we did which you can see more of here here:

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“‘Photos, Dumbledore, photos!’ cried Bagman excitedly. ‘All the judges and champions. What do you think, Rita?’
‘Er - yes, let’s do those first,’ said Rita Skeeter, whose eyes were upon Harry again. ‘And then perhaps some individual shots’”
— JKR (GF18)

by Edgar Torné

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"There was a long pause, during which Dumbledore stared at the slip in his hands, and everyone in the room stared at Dumbledore. And then Dumbledore cleared his throat, and read out-
'Harry Potter.'”
— JKR (GF16)

by Bas Schel

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“‘Excellent!’ Dumbledore called happily, as at last the tumult died down. ‘Well, we now have our three champions.’”
— JKR (GF16)

by Hilly Minne

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Un día como hoy pero de 1930, nacía el actor y cantante irlandés, Richard Harris, quien dio vida a Albus Dumbledore en las primeras dos películas de la saga de Harry Potter. Por muchos considerado el mejor Dumbledore... ¿qué opinas tú?
Hubiese cumplido 90 años... DEP.

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“‘Moody, we never use Transfiguration as a punishment!’ said Professor McGonagall weakly. ’Surely Professor Dumbledore told you that?’
‘He might’ve mentioned it, yeah,’ said Moody, scratching his chin unconcernedly”
— JKR (GF13)

by HogwartsHorror

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"You must be Albus's brother... I'm Newt. Nice to meet you."

Give him a minute, Newt. He's (gay) panicking.

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Acabo de ver esta foto y me ha venido la duda...

¿Quién creéis que ganaría en un duelo?

RT Gandalf // FAV Dumbledore

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