Nothing could be more absurd than adding but changing nothing else. -Pappert

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Hermes, messenger of the gods, god of trade, travelers, sports, athletes, guide to the underworld. Quick, cunning & free

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I hope everyone had a great Black Friday!

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Thanks to all the presenters (too many handles to tweet) for all the fun and tips and tricks working on !

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Benefits of practicing mindfulness in the classroom: Great piece from NPR.

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Recreating primary sources - student work. Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. Using Sketchup 3D.

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Check us out on Snapchat! We just signed up even though we have no idea what we are doing!

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Q2. How can tech help students with English language skills even when they are not in ELA class?

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7:00PM ET Tonight 5/11 Topic: The role of EdTech in supporting ELA and Vocabulary

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Art teacher shows what is possible with an iPad Pro and Apple Pencil

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The tools will always change, but nothing can replace a teacher who understands a student.

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Technical animation - a key part of a digital communication campaign

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Find all around Today 5 pm room 12ab conv center: real examples of collaboration

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