In January 2020, Messgram's full length album 'Cheers for the Failures' will be released.

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'Cheers for the Failures'発売ライブツアーのお知らせ。

'Cheers for the Failures'の発売ライブツアーが

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People don't watch movies to be "challenged", they watch movies to be entertained. These jokers always try to deflect their failures onto the audience rather than take responsibility for missing the mark.

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This time last year i failed spectacularly in bringing Eresh home in JP. This time there was no such failures.

Finally she is home.

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at a certain point i aquired a cintiq,
i wonder if it shows.
2019... what a year... a year of revelations and emotional-felt failures for me. lets' see if the next decade will be kinder...

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You need to accept failures and learn from your mistakes. A kind or retrospection - Part 1 - exploring more compo sketches should be vital! as well as deciding on your work's narrative

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I've been thinking a lot about the New Republic lately. It has been presented in the new canon as having some big successes and glaring failures. So, when folks like Holdo speak of being the spark to "restore the Republic", what parts are worth fighting to restore?

A thread.

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Here are a couple of failures I went through on the way to this version:

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Here is a rubbish watercolour test!! :,D
I have had this one for a little while, and questioning if I should really post it. But as I like to say-

"If you don't post your failures, you won't know where you began." =,v,=

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Here's a few failed/unfinished sketches. I'm not really afraid to show failures. I'm proud of some parts, but don't really care for most.

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no point thinking about past failures.

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WW1 Germany in 1918 - Armistice at Compiègne 
Allies Advance and Germany Willing to Negotiate

Slowly, the Allies continued their advance, with Ludendorff blaming everyone for failures but himself. He denounced what he called "tank panics"

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Hello to my new followers! I'm a new artist (I started drawing daily in January '18). My goal is to show the work that goes into learning to draw, and so I post my failures as well as my successes. I hope, though, you'll keep looking at my stuff, because I love to show it!

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I made stickers of the babies!!
I have 5 bags w/ all 6 designs and the third pic only consists of 2 designs each bag

Last pic are the rejects/failures. Not sure if I want to keep them or scrap them tbh

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Our classrooms should be place where controlled failures occur regularly, so that IRL, when our students face failure, they can be successful cuz they have been there b4 and know what to do. Thanks Devon Still,

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DAY 29: SUCCESSFUL GHOUL MACHINE. The Successful Ghoul Machine is a Ghoul disguised as some form of game machine. All it does, however, is gauge all your failures and make you compare yourself to all the success and wins the ghoul has. The ghoul feeds on negative emotions. yowza!

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yes i know she only bit the top bun you don't have to keep reminding me of my failures

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Don't be afraid of failures 💪💪


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Hello! I’m Adam, the new guy in art community land. I have a long ways to go and soo much to learn! The path ahead will be challenging...but also, a great experience! Looking forward to showing off my victories and failures as I develop my skills and style.

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Selfie from lastnight after stream showing off my new custom brand (Seriously, go check her out! I was SO tired. Thanks for the fun time! You guys are the best, even if you make fun of my constant failures and torment me with puns! <3

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