Fakemon Challenge
Día Zombie
Nombre: Deackson
Typo: Siniestro

Prometo ponerme al día xD

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Día 5: Egg (huevo)
Nombre: Eggance ( Egg + Dance)
Tipo: Normal

Este pequeño será incluido en mi pokedex (les comparto un boceto muy básico de cómo se desarrollara)

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Fakemon Challenge
Dia 4: Tótem
Nombre: Totenimal (tótem + Animal)
Tipo: Psíquico - Hada

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Created an undiscovered Mew experiment, Metamew! I was going for a more adolescent feel.

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Here are the common bug Shiny Forms!: Hopspring and Locustalk!

Social Media:
Facebook: dPast
Instagram: ndpast


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Shiny Pokemon are now available on Pokemon: Future and Past along with an even RARER type of Shiny: ULTRA SHINY!

Check them out now!

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Shiny Pokemon are now available on Pokemon: Future and Past along with an even RARER type of Shiny: ULTRA SHINY!

Check them out now!

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