Cherubic Eyes frameless (unbloomed)

1 2

Song of Sincerity frameless (unbloomed)

0 1

3☆ ジュントウタイム (unbloom, frameless)

0 1

Angel and Singing Voice frameless (bloomed)

1 0

5☆ 灰かぶり (unbloom, frameless)

0 1

Merry Spring frameless (bloomed)

0 0

4☆ 十五夜の想い (bloom, frameless)

3 13

Sky-Colored Bubbles frameless (unbloomed)

0 0

Jasmine Tea frameless (bloomed)

0 1

4☆ ホットショコラ (bloom, frameless)

1 2

4☆ 成長の姿 (bloom, frameless)

0 3

Heart Throbbing Rabbit frameless (bloomed)

0 1

Persevering frameless (unbloomed)

0 2

2☆ ESのアイドル (unbloom, frameless)

0 3

Heart Throbbing Rabbits frameless (unbloomed)

1 2

Fireflies and Summer Night frameless (bloomed)

0 1

TanTan frameless (bloomed)

0 0

3☆ しっかり妖精 (bloom, frameless)

0 1

Rabbit's Live Party frameless (unbloomed)

0 0