I had planned to use these lines differenly but this is more important. You'll never be forgotten.

21 113

I've seen Qinnis art around for years but only found them again a few months back, and to hear the news of her health problems was heartbreaking, but seeing her hold herself up through it all was amazing. She was an amazing influential artist so, this is for you

42 200

I've followed Qinni for almost a decade and while I didn't know her personally, I knew she was a wonderful and sweet person. I wish her family and friends well. RIP Qinni🌌⭐

4 10

Sketched this very fast for ...
Wanted to give her a proper goodbye.

101 452

Rest in peace, Qinni ❤️❤️❤️

20 66

I think most of us know Qinni from DeviantART, and has been a big inspiration for a lot of artists in the community. It's upsetting and shocking that we lost her today...

Qinni, you were an inspiration, and you fought well. You will be remembered. Rest well.

2195 7954

I'm still heartbroken with the news today, and this is my tribute to you, Qinni. Once again, thank you for inspiring a lot of us. Thank you.

248 1136

A small, spontaneous, cathartic tribute to and her work

2 13

I'm so stricken to hear the news about Qinni. She was an inspiration for more than a decade.

243 1335

Qinni, you might not be the idol artist i've been chasing these whole time, but your paintings are what lead me to my career, to be an artist. It's such a big lost that you've gone, but i wish you could rest well from what you've been through...

414 2058

Qinni was a beautiful soul, a force of nature in a frail body. She always fought like a warrior, she tried to be strong, positive but she also showed her weaknesses and fears without shame. She touched my heart and she will always be there.

100 492

May you rest in peace brave girl 😔

0 9

A star will always shine for you, Qinni. You will be greatly missed.

96 678

Qinni was an inspiration to us all. She made me keep on drawing even when pain was too much. She never let her illness stop her, and now, she can stay up again and finally paint in between the stars she so very much loved. You were so so strong. Thank you.

437 1832