
でたあああ…多分アイツらクリスマスライブやる気だな…?とにかくエンジェニア発のキチガイバンド、グロッキーズが活躍するストーリー、GROCKYS ペインアートロック伝説 をよろしくな!

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Thought we'd post this up this afternoon since it's in the air

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The Pipeline will not go through

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This painting was inspired by events at and a percentage of its sale will be donated to the Winter Fund

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ORGAN PREVIEW: with a February 2017 Two Day London Residency... https://t.co/VL78jGqeri

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Adolfo Valle for ... on the fight against the Dakota pipeline.

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Water protectors teaching how to be peaceful activists

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ALL Land is Sacred.
You ARE the Elements.
Water IS Life.

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Obama abused the left's trust to advance globalism against our country's interests. 1000s abused at and not a word from him.

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AUCTION for . Reina Cottier Art painting. 90x60cm (26"x24") https://t.co/dEaPT1OR2c

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New art printed on aluminum. Need a name. Any suggestions?

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"Fronds" crystal image. Organic shapes stretch out in beautiful display of color

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Speed drawing 3 minutes drawing Judy Hopps!!! by zigrock001 https://t.co/eA6XSZBxnN

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"Rose Mountains at Sunset" vanilla crystals. Beautiful on aluminum https://t.co/uX7i9wi2i1

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