The Convict may not be my favorite character to play, but she sure wins the badassery department in my books.

Also just got my first Lead God the other day while playing half-assedly. Brains are weird, man.

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So... ever want to see touka from tokyo ghoul play enter the gungeon? Hunter is taking on that task!... (even if he can't see out of one eye XD) Watch here!

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[gungeon] two speedpaints(?) i did for the oneshot

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[gungeon] the party has been hired to die for him

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for someone on the r/enterthegungeon subreddit

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Starting a stream, Playing: Enter the Gungeon

This game has a gun that shoots koopa shells. is awesome.

Channel Link:

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Enter the Gungeon is very cool game!

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Platz 1 hat die beste Begründung. ;)

Geht mir mit Voltriant aber genauso. Das schlaksige Dasein, diese unkontrollierten Bewegungen, die langen “Finger“...
Damit konnte ich mich damals direkt identifizieren. :D
(Außerdem “trägt“ es ebenfalls die Farbe Schwarz)

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Been playing a lot of Enter the Gungeon recently, Gatling Gull is MY FAVOURITE!!!

Process video coming soon! :)

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Super Space Turtle from Enter the Gungeon

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Cherub from Gungeon has rabies

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ニコニコ動画の【シューターきりたんがEnter the Gungeon】を見させてもらって、2人同時プレイってあんまり見ないけど仲良くて素晴らしかったです。

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enter the gungeon始めたけど難しいね・・・!とりあえず二階まで行けたので今日は満足・・・!

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Starting a stream, Playing: Enter the Gungeon

You like guns? i like guns? want a gun that shoots dogs? WE GOT IT!

Channel Link:

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